If you are bothered by signs of aging on your face, facial surgery may be right for you. Technically known asrhytidectomy, facial surgery is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging on the face and neck such as:
• Flaccidity in the middle third of the face;
• Deep creases below the lower eyelids;
• Deep creases along the nose that extend to the corner of the mouth;
• Fat that has dropped or been displaced;
• Loss of muscle tone in the lower face, which can cause double chin;
• Loose skin and excess fat deposits under the chin and jaw.
Rejuvenation procedures typically performed in conjunction with face lifting are forehead lifting, to correct a sagging or frowning forehead, and eyelid surgery, to rejuvenate the eyes.
The facelift can only be performed surgically; Non-surgical rejuvenation treatments do not provide the same results, but they can help delay the time when a facelift becomes appropriate, as well as complementing the results of surgery. Facial surgery is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to satisfy someone else's desires or to conform to any type of ideal image.